Monday, September 8, 2008

Looking forward to NY

Danielle and I are flying to NY on Thursday. I can't wait. I haven't seen my parents in 6 months! (other than on the webcam). That's the longest stretch in my whole life. We'll be there for 12 days. I'm hoping to meet up with a bunch of friends, maybe even get some time away from the baby. I love being with her but you know sometimes you just need a break. and I'm sure my parents will be thrilled to babysit. It's all about the baby now for them. She's the only grandchild and they have 6 months of spoiling to makeup for. I'm also looking forward to seeing my brother's new apartment. and congratulate him and his girlfriend on their engagement.

Things I'm not looking forward to about the trip- packing, getting up early for the flight, packing, having Danielle climb on me for 5 hours on the plane, and packing. I'm not a very efficient packer. It stresses me out. Stress combined with my tendency to procrastinate leads to me staying up until 3 in the morning the night before a flight. Every time. Even if I swear to myself I'm going to pack ahead of time. I never do. Like now, I'm planning on packing tomorrow since we're going to the Yankees/Angles game on Wednesday and I won't have much time then. So we'll see what I do. I'll let you know.

I'm in the mood for brownies. I think I'll go make some.

Friday, September 5, 2008

1st post ever!

This will probably be kinda lame as I get nervous about writing. Stuff always sounds great in my head and then when I see it written it's never as good. I've wanted to start a blog forever. Some days I think of all this stuff I'd write about and of course right now, when I'm actually at the computer I've got nothing.

I'll talk about my evening...the yanks almost got no-hit by a rookie. I've held out hope all season that they'd turn it on and get going like always but I think now, on Sept. 5th, I have to admit it's over. 11.5 out in the east and 8.5 out of the wild card with, i think, 21 games left, they're not going to do it. At least I know I'll be at the 2nd to last game at the stadium. We're going to see them in Anaheim on Wed. Danielle's 1st Yankee game. I'm ashamed to say she's been to 3 Padres games before seeing the Yanks. Although the 1st Padres game was against the Dodgers and Joe Torre, that kind of counts as the Yankees, right?

Nothing much else to is sleeping and Mario is doing his usual laps through the kitchen, living room, and dining room. He'll be 16! in about 5 weeks. Not sure how much he's got left. He still loves his pizza and going for walks, though.

Hopefully I'll post regularly. gotta go catch up on some ugly betty and gray's anatomy from last season before the new one starts. If you don't already know, I'm something of a procrastinator.